Recycled and recyclable products in construction.

The construction sector is a sector characterized by its high environmental impact. It is estimated that this sector:recycled and recyclable products in construction

  • Consumes 60% of the materials extracted from the lithosphere.
  • It is directly or indirectly responsible for more than 59% of the emissions into the atmosphere of CO2.
  • Generates around 1.1 tons of waste per inhabitant per year.

On the other hand, it is a sector with an enormous capacity to consume recycled and recyclable materials and products.

The training of future Architects and Surveyors on environmental sustainability issues, related to the knowledge and use of recycled and recyclable products in construction, is a key issue for the correct integration of the sector into the circular economy.

For this reason, ZICLA has continuously carried out for several years, training sessions on the potential of using recycled and recyclable products in construction sector in various schools, including: